About CânSing


CânSing is a not-for-profit organisation. The project was originally funded by the Welsh Government from 2010 – 2014.


The overall aim of this work is to raise the profile and standard of singing across Wales by extending opportunities and improving the quality of provision and delivery within schools, communities, families, businesses and everywhere.

The three key elements of the programme are: 

  • High quality resources
  • Training and support for schools
  • Celebration of successes


The CânSing Toolkit is a flexible, developmental resource that can evolve to meet the needs of the users across sectors.

The CânSing songbank is made up of existing songs and newly commissioned material. All materials and resources are available in English and Welsh. The resources include:

  • over 100 songs with interactive screens and backing tracks (the Songbank)
  • National Curriculum linked teaching and learning guides for each song (for schools)
  • Tutorial videos (Beat-boxing, diction, breathing exercises)
  • Vocal warm ups with backing and screens
  • Links to other useful resources (e.g Literacy linked materials)

In 2022, the CânSing resources were refreshed to ensure technological and pedagogical suitability for schools in Wales, funded by Welsh Government.

All of the resources are available on the dedicated CânSing website [www.cansing.org.uk]

Training and Support

In addition to the Toolkit and Materials the CânSing team provide training which includes:

  • Basic introduction to CânSing and how to use the resources
  • In cluster support days
  • Additional bespoke support (at a venue to suit you)
  • Literacy/theme focused training

Celebrations – National CânSing Day

Since 2010 National CânSing Day celebrations have provided schools, Local Authorities and delivery partner organisations with a vital opportunity to celebrate what has been achieved through working with CânSing.


CânSing is delighted to be working in partnership with agencies including:

  • Welsh National Opera
  • BBC National Orchestra and Chorus of Wales
  • CILT Cymru
  • TRAC

If you are interested in discussing a collaborative piece of work please email: post@cansing.org.uk


Anyone wishing to receive regular updates on the progress of this initiative should register [post@cansing.org.uk].